Benches provide a unique way to remember and give tribute to the ones that have been loved and lost. They are perfect for a favorite park or garden and can be personalized with a name or statement meaningful to you. We have placed benches near favorite sitting spots, in school gardens and in public and private settings that have special meaning to the one that has passed and their loved ones.
At Stone 2 Furniture, we have created memory benches for many unique and touching reasons. Whether you want to make a donation to a public space or simply create a personal tribute in a favorite sitting area we can design a bench that will capture your love and sentiment.
We have had customers use memory benches in many creative and loving ways, and what you do with yours is up to you.
Whether you are looking for a classic garden memory bench with a special engraved message or a plaque remembering a lost loved one or commemorating a special date we can design just what you want. The memory benches come in three types of stone Colorado Red, Colorado Buff or Idaho Gray. Memory benches can be made to accommodate 2 to 4 people. Our Memory Benches are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today with your thoughts and design ideas for your custom made memory bench that will become a treasured tribute to your loved one.
Please call for pricing on benches with inscriptions and plaques.
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