Now that we are officially into summer, it is time to enjoy the beautiful weather and the bounty of the outdoors. When you think of Stone 2 Furniture, you might just think of tables and chairs, but we also create beautiful benches. These can be placed almost anywhere in your outdoor living space to create a tranquil and peaceful place to sit.
A stone loveseat or curved bench creates a lovely place to sit and spend time in nature. The difference between a loveseat and a typical bench are the angles. The back of the loveseat is not flat, but angled back in order to take the pressure off your spine. The other customization of the loveseat is the frame work, as the legs are set at a subtle curve instead of straight.
Stone benches are common in many public places because they are durable and maintenance-free. What makes these benches comfortable is the fact that there are no slats, metal or wood that create uneven seating or places for fingers to get stuck. Stone seating also will not leave you with splinters!
When a stone loveseat or bench has been sitting in the sun it will absorb the warmth and have a very therapeutic effect that relaxes muscles. The stone is thermally warmed and then slowly dissipates the heat. Those who enjoy a hot stone massage will truly appreciate this natural feature. A loveseat or bench set in the shade will maintain the ambient temperature for a cooler surface.
Stone benches offer an ideal place to rest in the natural beauty of your garden.
Tyler Kelly says
Take a seat and relax for a while. Have a peace of mind.
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